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Do Not Underestimate Dysentery
Posted on Tuesday, November 2, 2010 by my style
Dysentery is an inflammation of the large intestine characterized by abdominal pain and watery bowel movements that constantly (diarrhea) is mixed with mucus and blood. Based on the cause dysentery can be divided into two: amoebic dysentery and dysentery basiler.
The most common cause is a parasitic infection of Entamoeba histolytica causes amoebic dysentery and Shigella infections class bacteria that cause dysentery basiler.
These germs can be spread and transmitted to others through food and water that was contaminated by feces and flies. Parasite Entamoeba hystolytica live in the large intestine, the parasite has two forms, ie forms that move and shape that is not moving.
Parasites in the form of not moving does not cause symptoms, while the shape that moves when attacking the intestinal wall can cause heartburn sufferers, flatulence, increased body temperature, as well as diarrhea containing blood and mucus mixed, but the diarrhea is not too often.
Dysentery basiler usually attack suddenly about two days after exposure to germs / bacteria Shigella. The symptoms are fever, nausea and vomiting, diarrhea and no appetite. If it’s not addressed, two or three days later out of blood, mucus or pus in the feces of patients.
In basiler dysentery, patients experience severe diarrhea that is watery stools out to 20-30 times a day so that it becomes weak, thin and sunken eyes due to lack of body fluids (dehydration). It cannot be underestimated, because if not addressed dehydration can lead to death. Other symptoms of abdominal pain and convulse.
The disease is generally more rapid in children. These germs enter the digestive organs that result in swelling and ulceration causing inflammation of the colon.
Patients with dysentery should get immediate treatment, which needs to be avoided is to prevent dehydration because it can be fatal. In an emergency, mild dehydration can be overcome by giving liquid electrolyte (ORS) to replace fluids lost from diarrhea and vomiting. ORS was dissolved in 200 cc boiled water, stirred and given little by little with a spoon to the patient.
If ORS not available, can make a mixture of sugar and salt solution (1 teaspoon sugar 1 / 4 teaspoon salt, diluted with 200 cc of warm water) or can also drink coconut water. If dehydration is severe, after being given oral rehydration salts or a mixture of sugar and salt solution as first aid, should the patient be brought to the hospital to be given treatment.
Preventive measures that can be done to anticipate dysentery which considering a healthy lifestyle and clean, as always maintain the cleanliness of food and drink from contamination of dirt and germ-carrying insects, environmental hygiene, clean hands properly after defecation or before eating or when holding food to be eaten.
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