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The content and the dangers of smoking | Stop Smoking
Posted on Thursday, February 3, 2011 by my style
The content and the dangers of smoking - Quit smoking,
Negative consequences of smoking, in fact had begun at the time a new person started smoking. In a smoldering cigarette smoke because it sucked, tobacco burned less than perfect so as to produce CO (carbon mono-oxide), which in addition to its own smoke, tar and nikotine (which occurs also from the burning of tobacco) is inhaled into the airway.
- The content of nicotine can cause increased blood pressure and heart rate, and increasing the likelihood of heart attacks.
- Content of Carbon Monoxide will cause damage to the brain, and muscle function.
- Content of Tar will cover the lungs and the respiratory burst. Tar also contains a huge number of chemicals cause cancer.
- Chemical Ingredients contained in cigarette smoke cause damage to the cell wall and release a large amount of mucus that can interfere with lung function. Then because of the pressure breath, the lungs can be perforated. The disease is better known as emphysema.
- Smokers also may be exposed to that influence cardiovascular function of the heart and blood vessels that can cause paralysis and sudden jantng attack.
Here are a result of smoking
CO., Tar, and Nicotine affects the nerve that causes:
- Nervousness, shaky hands (tremor)- Taste / decreased appetite
- Pregnant mothers who like to smoke to the possibility of miscarriage abortion
Tar and Smoke
Tar and cigarette smoke stimulates airway, and the tar is buried canals that lead to:- Cough-cough or shortness of breath
- Tar attached to the airway can cause airway cancer,
tongue or lips
Nicotine stimulates the rise of adrenal hormones which causes the kidneys of children:- Heart palpitations
- Increases blood pressure and cholesterol levels in the blood,
pliers closely with the occurrence of heart attack
Gas CO (Carbon Mono Oxide)
CO gas was also negatively affect the airway of blood vessels.Carbon mono oxide is more easily bound to hemoglobin than oxygen. Therefore, the blood of people who possessed a lot of CO, will be reduced for power transports oxygen and people can die of carbon mono-oxide poisoning. In a smoker is not going to happen CO poisoning, but the effect of CO is inhaled by the smoker with little by little, slowly but surely would negatively impact on the airway and the blood vessels.
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