A diet healthy living | Healthy Diet

A diet healthy living - To get fit and healthy body is simple, orderly life, adequate rest, regular exercise, avoid stress and a healthy diet.
A healthy diet is like what the heck? course which contains all the elements the body needs balanced nutrition, good proteins, carbohydrates, fats, vitamins, minerals and water. The source should be chosen as natural as possible.
Here are some tips for eating healthy living. 

  1. Avoid foods with fat content (oil, butter, margarine, coconut milk) is high. Unless you want the body to be stretched and sagging fat everywhere. Actually, with the pattern of a balanced diet, fat intake has been fulfilled through the natural fat found in nuts or seeds
  2. Avoid food or food ingredient that berpengawet. If forced to buy food at the in-box, select foods that include a clear "no preservatives" This is important because your stomach is not curing barn. The long-term, this substance can trigger cancer
  3. Choose foods or beverages that naturally white. Many people, especially children, always choose foods that are colored because it is more interesting. But after you read this post, leave your habits aditive substances accumulate in the body. Choose foods or beverages without dye aka white. Except for the natural color of the food ingredients, such as chocolate from cocoa powder, red strawberries etc. Such as buying materials such as pudding, choose a white, cracker also select those without dye. That way you avoid the possible risk of cancer because of these dyes.
  4. Do not add sauce, soy sauce, salt and spices flavoring excessive. If possible, avoid this food. Because the compounds contained monosodium glutamate in flavor only pamper your tongue but not for health.
  5. Consume more fruits and vegetables. Vitamins, minerals, water, substances phytonutrients, antioxidants and fiber in food is truly amazing grace. In addition to being healthy and fit body, you are free from the risk of various diseases such as cancer, as most fruits and vegetables contain fiber and that can bind to cancer-causing carcinogen digestive tract. Avoid durian and chips because they contain gases and high-fat, while the chips contain purine uric acid triggers. Rinse vegetables and fruits before eating to avoid bacterial contamination and pesticide residues.
  6. Forget the innards, the brain, the food was thick coconut milk, chicken skin and egg yolks. Foodstuffs is a source of fat causes obesity and cardiovascular disorders. Choose lean meats, food berkuah nodes, low-fat milk, soy milk, yogurt, egg whites, and fish as a source of good protein.
  7. Food processing techniques also affect the quality of food. Choose foods with a method of cooking in steamed, boiled or stir-fry with a little oil. Method of frying, grilling and the less fuel is recommended, besides containing much fat, cooking methods also damage the nutritional value of food due to high heat. Moreover, baked foods such as satai for example, the food is burnt due to fire can lead to cancer
  8. Drink plenty of water, at least 8 glasses a day, avoid alcoholic beverages, soft drinks and beverages with high sugar content and caffeine. Vegetable and fruit juices are also good for keeping and maintaining a healthy body.

Many serious diseases originating from food or the wrong diet. Such as hypertension, gout, kidney, kolestrerol even cancer. Food is closely associated with health conditions. Proven since the time of the Prophet even food is set up, such as food halal, haram, healthful, intoxicating even be a source of various diseases.

So from now on, change your diet for healthier living

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