Steps to prevent breast cancer

Steps to prevent breast cancer - As women have you know how to prevent and avoid breast cancer?

Indeed, this disease was not all attacking a woman, and you do not necessarily suffer from this disease, but that does not mean you do not feel the need to find ways to prevent breast cancer, because knowing how to prevent breast cancer in addition to knowledge, is also useful to prevent yourself and family also a friend of this disease.
Breast cancer is a frightening specter of stalking women. In Indonesia, the disease is the number two killer of women after cervical cancer. What can we do to avoid his net? Consider the following tips.

Maintain Weight Loss
According Spencel Heather Feigelson, PhD, MPH of the ACS, the addition of 10 kg body weight in adulthood are raising the risk of breast cancer. In addition, weight gain also trigger a variety of diseases. So, if you are classified as excess weight, try and keep it down in a healthy level.

Consumption of Vitamin D
The new findings presented at the American Society of Clinical Oncologists mention breast cancer patients who are deficient in vitamin D 94 percent greater risk of experiencing the spread of breast cancer than those who have vitamin D in sufficient levels. Andrew Kaunitz, MD, professor of obstetrics and gynecology at the University of Florida College of Medicine-Jacksonville recommend that we consume 800-1000 (IU) of vitamin D daily.

Alcohol Limit
Recent data from the National Cancer Institute says that women who drank one or two alcoholic drinks a day 32 percent greater risk of breast cancer. In addition, those who consume more, 51 percent greater risk. Experts recommend that you drink alcohol no more than 1 glass per day, even if necessary, stopped.

Reduce fatty foods
There is much debate about the relationship of breast cancer with diet. But there is evidence that certain western lifestyle appears to increase the risk of disease. Maintain a low-fat food intake, not exceed 30 grams of fat per day. This will help maintain a balanced diet that also helps maintain weight. We store estrogen in body fat, so less fat we carry, the better.

After the age of 50 years, doing regular breast screening
Although much research is still needed to determine the causes of breast cancer, one of the main factor is age. 80% of breast cancers occur in women aged over 50 years.

Learning to relax
Many noted that stress can cause all kinds of health problems. Although still much debate over these findings, lower stress levels will be beneficial to overall health, including the risk of breast cancer.

Enter the broccoli into your daily menu.
Approximately a day you only need a cup of broccoli. Did you know that broccoli contains compounds sulfuraphane scientifically proven to reduce cancer risk.

Do not forget fruits and vegetables in the daily menu.
Choose a green and orange vegetables. Eat tomatoes rich in lycopene. It is said that lycopene is also an agent that works to fight cancer.

Drink green tea rich in antioxidants.
Besides drinking green tea, dark chocolate kudaplah occasionally, because it is scientifically proven to chocolate as a cancer-fighting agents. But remember not to sweet chocolate, because you will not get benefits.

As you have read above was not expensive or too expensive to save yourself from breast cancer, with a healthy lifestyle and consumption of foods that are full of fiber, with this we can take reasonable precautions against this deadly disease. Also do not forget the self-discipline.

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