Dark Urine Color Signs Liver Disorders

Liver is one of the vital organs contained in the human body. On the organ, there was important processes, namely processes of energy storage, formation of protein and bile acids, cholesterol metabolism regulation, and neutralizing toxins / drugs that enter the body.

Damage to the liver would interfere with the function of one's body. One of the known liver damage is cholestasis. Cholestasis caused by liver failure and expenditure to produce bile. A person suffering from cholestasis have difficulty in absorbing fats and vitamins A, D, E, K in the intestines. In addition, cholestasis also cause a buildup of bile acids, bilirubin and cholesterol in the liver.

Impaired bile flow could occur along the path between the cells of the liver and duodenum. Although bile does not flow, but the liver continues to release bilirubin, the bile component of the color orange. Bilirubin is then deposited in the skin and discarded into the urine, the incident causing jaundice (jaundice).

For the purpose of diagnosis and treatment, the causes of cholestasis are divided into two groups. First, the interference that comes from the heart, such as hepatitis, alcoholic liver disease, due to drugs and hormonal changes during pregnancy.

Then, interference from outside the heart, like a stone in the bile duct, bile duct stricture, bile duct cancer, pancreatic cancer and pancreatic inflammation. Symptoms of heart disorders can be seen from excessive bilirubin in the skin and urine that causes darker urine color. In addition, changes can be seen from the color of feces.

Due to the interruption of bile flow so that bilirubin does not flow to the intestines and cause pale stools. Feces may also contain a lot of too much fat, because there is no bile in the intestine to aid digestion of fat in the diet.

Reduced bile in the intestine, it also decreases the absorption of calcium and vitamin D.If cholestasis persists, calcium and vitamin D deficiency causes bone loss so that the patient felt pain in bone cholestasis can lead to fractures.

In addition, there is also interference absorption materials needed for blood clotting, so patients are prone to bleeding. Other symptoms depend on the cause of cholestasis, can include abdominal pain, loss of appetite, vomiting or fever.

Penggobatan cholestasis is most rational to improve the flow of bile into the intestine.medically improved bile flow to the provision of phenobarbital and kolestiramin, ursodioxy cholic acid (UDCA).

Outside the liver blockage can usually be treated with surgery. Meanwhile, if the blockage occurs in the liver can be treated with a variety of ways, depending on the cause. If the cause is a drug, the drug is stopped and if the cause was hepatitis, cholestasis and jaundice usually disappears in line with improving disease.

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