Eyes Care Tips

Eyes are special for everyone and no doubt they need special care too, our daily routine are so many interrelated internal and external affairs, they are tiring of the eyes not a big deal. Paying some basic care tips eye, which can help your eyes look beautiful and healthy.
1-The intake of Vitamin A is must in our daily diet for healthy eyes. Eggs, papaya, fish, milk are good source of vitamin A.
2-Putting sliced cucumber on your eyes helps in treating dark circles and tiredness.

3-Soak a pad of cotton wool in rosewater for about 30 minutes and place these soaked cotton pads on your eyelids for 15 minutes, this treatment is good for eye burn.
4-Wash your eyes with cold water on a regular basis, or just splash water in your eyes whenever you feel tired.
5-In case you work on computer most of the time, do take a break after 30 minutes, wash your eyes, close it for about 5 minutes, this is also a good remedy for tired eyes.
6-Eat lots of fruits and vegetables such as carrots, spinach, drumstick, mango and papaya. All these are rich in beta-carotene which helps to keep eyes healthy.
7-Take sufficient sleep. The rest will be updated in the eye and help to work more effectively.
8-Do exercises frequently to recover blood circulation. Only then the eyes are sure to get enough oxygen for good performance.
9-Consume as a minimum 12 glasses of mineral water to keep away from any swollen eyes. Drink plenty of water helps to remove debris the body.
10-Do not stroke your eyes, but only close and open your eye lids. Blinking is a good massage and exercises of the eyes.
11-Milk is a great and safety natural cleanser for your eyes. Use a clean cotton dipped in milk to clean eyes.
12-To make a glow into your eyes, insert 2 drops pure rose water with a dropper.This will gives your ye a special lift.
13-Frequently apply oil mixed glycerin for eyelashes and eyebrows to maintain its dense and dark.
14-Always use sunglasses during the peak day to protect your eyes from the sun. Direct sunshine will damage your eyes seriously.

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