RESET MASSAGE | stress massage that helps to overcome the difficult moments of life

Sometimes in life it can happen to pass very difficult times.Some events can be so traumatic that might affect the man for the rest of his life, a family bereavement, separation, a major conflict, can dramatically change the perception of the meaning of life.Other times, the stress seems unbearable, you may be subject, the sensation is to break out, going crazy at any moment. The thoughts that go through your head are: "I can not do more," "I'm crazy," "I can not go on like this."

In the present day, to find help in these situations, a tendency that seems to go for more is to seek help for anxiety or antidepressant medications.As a Naturopath, I wondered: is there a natural alternative to find help in the hardest stage of life?In fact there are several solutions and natural remedies that seem to bring support to those who live very stressful situations. In this article, I want to talk about a quick and very effective technique to decrease the perception of stress and regain confidence, strength and optimism: Reset Massage.
This technique combines three very effective methods for managing emotions and stress: NLP (Neuro Linguistic Programming), the Flowers of Bach and the anti-stress massage.NLP is the study of the real potential of the human and the strategies used by people who live in perfect physical and mental health. The Flowers of Bach flower essences are discovered by English physician Edward Bach, which are useful to re-align the emotions with its own characteristics and optimal psycho-emotional construction. The anti-stress massage is a manual technique that has as its primary objective is to relax and stretch all the muscles of the body.
How does massage reset in Italy?During the practice of anti-stress massage, natural cream is applied (without perfume) to which were added a few drops of Bach Flower Remedies most useful for that case, he begins the relaxation due to the action of massage and Bach flower remedies, the NLP therapist suggests some exercises that will effectively lower the stress accumulated over the past year or following traumatic events.By the end of the first massage, the emotions most commonly tested are: lightness, relaxation, trust, wonder, optimism. A complete treatment requires only 5 consultations.

For those who recommended massage reset?
This unique technique is particularly recommended to those who feel the need to release the stress accumulated over the years, both mentally and physically. Who feels the need to turn the page, to put the past behind and wants to focus on the future without interference. Useful to those who are experiencing a very difficult time and want to experience the feeling of stress management finding confidence and optimism. Highly recommended to those who somatizes stress on the body with tension and spasms: tensive muscle tension, headaches, irritable bowel syndrome. Reset massage integrates very well with other possible treatmen

Healing from The Candida with Natural Treatments

This article is aimed at all women who suffer from frequent vaginal infections due to Candida.
I therefore appeal to non-sufferers for the first time and even to those who have an episode a year, but I want to bring clarity and solutions to those who suffer from cycles every month, permanently, for quite some time. Even those women who have had 4-5 episodes in the last year will find it interesting what I'm about to say.

It 'can cure candida? PhotosWhy do not seem to work properly antifungals?
To answer these questions you need to focus on two important points:

1. There is now a therapy able to eradicate Candida from the body. The known and therapies used today are only able to weaken and diminish the amount of yeast.
2. Every human has candida in their bodies. The candidate regularly lives in the intestines of human beings as well as with many bacteria.
To heal then you do not intend "to kill the candida permanently" but finding the natural balance typical of a healthy and fit.
The human body has a natural balance, bacteria, yeast, immune system, each element interacts with the other in perfect harmony and balance.If this natural balance is altered, then the problems begin, the body struggles to defend itself and the yeast takes over the immune system.
Healing can take place only regaining the natural balance of the human body!
Antifungals, normally used, are effective against Candida and weaken it to reverse a lot of its colonies. But when you lose the natural balance, candida takes over the immune system and can give rise to a new relapse. Starting from information that, in any case, the candidate can not be completely eliminated by the body, must be very careful not to abuse these drugs, at times, make things worse, this is because these drugs, as well as action against candida, help to alter the body's natural balance.
How to find the natural balance of the human body and heal from candida?The solution is to shift their attention from the white, the natural balance of the body.We must stop going after the candida remedies using drugs and increasingly aggressive and invasive, it is necessary instead to use remedies sweet, gentle and balancing.
I spent the last 8 years of my life to refine and test these concepts;I studied and experimented with all natural supplement that I considered it to achieve my goal: Neem, Grapefruit seed (GSE), Lapacho, Caprylic Acid, all types of probiotics, essential oils of all types (known as Tea Tree Oil), Echinacea , Magnesium Peroxide, MSM, Lactoferrin, Colostrum, Cranberry (Cranberry), Coconut Oil, Aloe Vera, vitamins immunostimulants (vitamin C, vit. And, vit. A), Zinc, Selenium, Propolis, bicarbonate and others.I soon realized that the market is often found only remedies which have a natural "too aggressive" drug-like, ie products that have been designed and formulated in order to eliminate symptoms as quickly as possible, but no matter restore the natural balance! Natural remedies but used as if they were drugs ... so it does not work.
I overcame the problem of natural supplements, delivering a first-line of specific products in order to defeat the white; products that are very effective but at the same time respectful of the human body: balance intestinal mucosal immune system, and urogenital.
In these years I have known women "invaded" by the candidate in a persistent way, women "desperate" that they had consulted dozens of professionals and tried every kind of therapy.Now I can say with absolute certainty that it is possible to recover from recurrent candida and regain their natural balance.

Prevention of CervicalCancer

Cervical cancer is the second largest among the cancers that affect women, preceded only by breast cancer.
As part of the family of cancer care, however, a very special place because it is entirely preventable and curable if detected and treated very early.
The onset of cervical cancer is not usually a sudden event, but it is often characterized by a slow gradual evolution, that is, progressive changes of the mucosa lining the neck that turns from normal (for reasons not always recognized) gradually altered until you get cancer.
In other words, the tumor onset of dysplastic lesions that, therefore, represent a transition stage (optional) to cancer.
And 'this particular pattern of development which allows in most cases, early diagnosis with consequent improvement in survival and quality of life.
Here, therefore, that clarifies the meaning of the prevention of malignant tumors: monitor and treat those injuries that we know to be precancerous.
The identification and treatment of precancerous lesions is what the doctor may do a preventive of cancer.
This preventive action, the gynecologist is in a state of benefits compared to other specialists for easy accessibility examination of the genital organs and the presence of techniques are sufficiently safe and simple in execution.
For the reproductive system to the basic tenet is the pelvic examination be performed at least once a year.
It not only allows a first orientation, but it represents a key moment of the doctor-patient relationship and allows, among other things, to evaluate associated diseases: fibroids, ovarian cysts, etc. is not detectable with the techniques described below.

Designed and developed by a greek doctor who emigrated to the U.S., Papanicolaou (1943), has been and remains the first test used on a large scale for the early detection of cervical cancer.

The simple and painless test involves taking a bit of vaginal discharge that is then analyzed under a microscope by trained personnel.

The sampling is performed with the woman in the gynecological position: it lasts a moment, but it can save a life.

The ideal is to run it once a year.


Invented by a German gynecologist, Hinselmann (1925), is to observe the cervix, stained with specific substances, through a special microscope.

It's not annoying and is an examination performed by the physician specialist, allows to locate precisely the lesions and to give, many times, an immediate response.

Screening of cervical cancer not only occupies a central position, but also allows a more effective execution of the other tests: Pap Tests and Targeted Biopsy.

It can be done at any time between two periods. At least once a year to all women, as it is essential for effective prevention.

For the cervix, the combination of the two methods (Pap smear and colposcopy) improves the accuracy of the findings, nearly in this case, 100%.


Similar to the media and dyes for colposcopy is essential for the identification of viral lesions of the vulva. Useful for a deeper study of diseases of the vulva.


Of more recent origin, paternity French, Hamou (1979) is an examination performed with a thin probe, much less of a pencil, which can no special problems, including outpatient, be introduced into the uterus to look at where they can not nor colposcopy or Pap tests, examinations, on the other hand, are used ONLY for the prevention of cancer in that part of the uterus that protrudes into the vagina: the neck.

It is an investigation that is proving useful to better define certain forms of cancer of the neck and is increasingly valid for the early diagnosis of tumors of the uterus BODY especially frequent from 50 years of age and that are increasing in number in relation to changing socio-economic conditions and the average elongation.


If the colposcopy or the smear or Mhc have shown lesions to be studied further, is carried out testing (biopsy) of a small piece of tissue is then analyzed under a microscope.

It is only based on recent data that can be given the diagnosis of malignant disease that is well-remembered-if diagnosed in time, it is perfectly curable.

But above all it is important to know that with the combination of the above tests can even be cancer, many times, PREVENTED.


"Arricchiamoci of our respective differences" (Paul Valery).

No method of medical investigation is foolproof against cancer, even the microscopic.

We must not give blind trust to any of them in isolation. The safest is to use different with the double purpose of comparison between them at first and objectivity, then, their differences through the "personality" of some cancers of the uterus.

The diagnostic error gets caught in the filter of the different tests because he never has a perfectly straight course, or at least it is infinitely less likely that it has against multiple filters into one.

Very often the suspects are unfounded, other times they are unfortunately a reality index of malignancy.

The situation is then addressed with a sense of awareness and responsibility.

But it is absolutely not the case for despair: science has made great progress in the field of therapy and now can lead to complete cure a great number of sick women.

The treatment of choice is still surgery, flanked by the radiotherapy and chemotherapy.

The wise use of these resources is one of the secrets of successful treatment.


Put on Firmness Posture

Nature has given into the skin of personal energy sources. However, stocks of energy cells Peter gradually from 25 years ago. Sometimes the two as the reason for aging skin, loss of wet, and in the operating result of external factors, particularly stress and UVA radiation, which reached with light skin sunny . All this helps to reduce the amount of fibers, which are the internal scaffolding skin (after the loss of their 30 years can run to more than 1% per year). The result for the loss of firmness and contained cells.

Fortunately, we can implement lack of energy in our skin! It is good to act quickly, invest in the beauty of your body, so it can stay as long as possible in a form filling. However, a regular moisturizing balm, not enough any longer. Improving the firm balm Q10 Plus NIVEA body affects the skin more deeply the parties, providing intensify its natural substances. This new formula of this product, which contains Q10 koenzym Force and energy supply, penetrates deeply into the skin, it stimulates the natural production of energy, it supports cell function and corrects much elasticity of the skin.

STEP 1. Create your whole body

New, sophisticated Firming Q10 NIVEA body balm formula promotes the synthesis of collagen and new. The remaining lasting moisturize. Balsam and just soak it is good for every skin type.

STEP 2. Wrestling with Cellulit

If you need more intensely firming, you want to deal with "orange peel" problem, you can combine the application of balm to the application of modeling profile Q10 cream NIVEA body. Apart from energy complex, it is enriched with Izo - soya protein, which intensify the joint tissue and restore Natural fibers game. You will see the first results after two weeks of daily application of cosmetics. To ensure the effective strength to scale the cream, turn movements in strategic locations, where softness of the skin loses more often - in the stomach, thighs and buttocks.

On your legs make small circles at the same time, using higher pressure at the top. This technique helps Tsiyon of the skin, stimulates the lymph and blood circulation and helps the natural functions of the cells. It allows you to model the thighs, making them more flat belly and the elasticity to turn the buttocks. It is worth spreading cream all over your body, because it can easily bring good appearance of your body.

Methods of Skin Tightening – Turning Back the Clock

There are many ways to skin tightening used by dermatologists. In fact, there are also products you can use at home now following a minimum of skin tightening if you can not request the services of a doctor. The methods range from lotions containing anti-oxidants and a variety of vitamins and production of collagen boosters of invasive procedures such as cosmetic surgery.

Creams, skin tightening should be used throughout your life. But at some point, if you use them or not, age is catching up with the skin. The damage caused by sun exposure and natural aging causes a breakdown of collagen, which is what gives our skin soft and fleshy look. As the amount of collagen decreases, the skin begins to sag. At that time, you need to search in May one of the other methods of skin tightening.

Of course, is more radical cosmetic surgery. Fortunately for those who want to avoid surgery, researchers have been busy developing non-invasive means of skin tightening. For example, a popular method is Botox injections that made relax the muscles of the face to reduce the appearance of wrinkles. There are several other types of charges derma on the market that are injected under the skin surface. These include Sculptra, Lipodissolve and Fraxel laser treatments.

Another popular methods of non-surgical skin tightening uses radio waves to "remodel" the structure underlying the skin. This procedure is called THERMAGE. Skin tightening another procedure called Titan uses infrared light to produce similar results. Laser technology is constantly improved and adapted methods of non-invasive skin treatments.

D'you are interested in finding skin tightening treatment, it is important to consult your dermatologist first. There are many good lotion and cream products that you can use on the face and body. As the body ages, skin will start loosening notable in many places other than the face - the upper arms, thighs and abdomen area, for example. When the news specially designed treatments no longer work, there are many non-invasive, you can request that the next step. Normally, surgery such as tummy tucks, liposuction and face lifts are considered as a last resort option for many men and women.

What jogging means to Maple

Suddenly, Runners or joggers are everywhere. Half marathons, full marathons, 10K and etc. If you noticed, the number of runners is ever-increasing.

It used to be just a group of people, there have always been fun runs and only the serious runners go to different places regularly, especially like some tough double-hills challenge. 

Now everybody seems to be running. So many bloggers run, and runners blog.

I actually enjoy jogging. I love feeling the breeze, the scenery, especially during sunrise. I can’t stand the heat; therefore evening run is not my choice obviously. I run leisurely in early weekend mornings. Sometimes, I get more than just sweat; I pick up a few runners too. I enjoy running with my jogging-mates.

I don’t like the treadmill in fitness center, as I get bored easily. It's just one scene I’m looking at.  

This solo sport is really just me against myself. It's pushing me to improve every time, to be focused, to tune out and zone in. Each run is an accomplishment, if you beat certain personal bests. Moreover I haven’t even started to mention the health gains and the calories burned.

Jogging is my greatest hobby that I won’t miss every week. 

Winter Make up - Matching the Season

The key to the successful implementation of the winter is done keeping in mind the harshness of winter and clothing traditionally darker. Unlike the summer with his light and clothing, humid days and sunny winter day consists of dry and warm clothing. Winter must take into account the weather and reflect the heavier clothing and dark colors. This means that you put away the foundations of summer light and color of eyes and make moisturizers oil-based, protection mat foundations and shadows fall and winter colors like gray and brown.

Winter represent should start with a day of oil moisturizer that prevents the skin from drying due to low humidity and cold. At night, it is important to use a moisturizer with a weight of essential vitamins and other ingredients to rejuvenate the skin immediately after showering to seal in moisture. When you choose a foundation for the winter, the matte finish is more appropriate than the bright shiny finishes. The eye shadow colors should reflect the colors of your winter clothing to create a unified and meticulous. In addition, the bags under the eyes which is common in winter can be minimized by the skillful use of very pale yellow in front of the cream.

It is typical for people to have pale skin in winter than in summer. Winter represent should be applied in a way that adds color and vitality to your skin. In summer, the rose is facing due to sun exposure with its dose of vitamin D. In winter, the lack of winter sun ways to include a slight tint that matches the skin without being obvious. The base should be one shade lighter in order to make the skin look brighter.

These are just some tips for the application of winter up that can make your skin look radiant and healthy despite the dark cold weather.

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