The development of emotional intelligence

Ages 0 to 5 years was known as "The Golden Years", because at this period a child to form character, nature and intelligence of both intelligence and emotional intelligence, the underlying properties, mindset and point of view in subsequent ages . At this time, parents have an important role in introducing the concept of intelligence, especially emotional intelligence in early childhood.

Emotional intelligence is the ability, capacity or skills of a person to be able to receive, measure and regulate emotions to himself, others or even the group so that makes it easier to interact daily.

Children who were not given space to develop personal emotions can grow up to be difficult. This can be carried on till entering adult life. Growth and physical development and a harmonious soul into the embryo of a healthy child's personal desperately needed as they grow up later.

There are 4 aspects of emotional intelligence are:

1. self-awareness,
2. ability to manage themselves,
3. social awareness and
4. ability to manage the interaction with the social environment.

The role of parents is very important to be a role model or role model in introducing the concept of emotional intelligence of children. Some examples that can be done to train children to be emotionally intelligent, can be done in several ways, for example:

* Get used to express feelings when talking to children. For example: "Mom likes that look younger sister singing together." Or "if dede sick, papa sad."
* If parents make a mistake do not hesitate to apologize, give examples of the child and do it seriously.
* Try to communicate with children, give them a chance to tell its activities within its capabilities. Be an active listener. Children will be accustomed to speak and show his emotions, and felt that sincere attention from parents.
* Give children the opportunity to understand what others feel. For example when he saw beggars, people tell me that they can not, that life is not needy like himself. Do it with language that kids understand. Children will learn to empathize.
* Train children to be able to accept the limitations of themselves and instill a sense of pride to the excess. It can grow a sense of confidence in children.
* Give examples of how to express gratitude, for example when a child gets praise for its success or when receiving a birthday present. Teach to thank the gift giver or a compliment.

Emotionally intelligent child is not only the obligation alone. Active role of parents is very important in the development of emotional intelligence of children. Emotionally intelligent is a reciprocal process with the environment and the learning obtained from the child's daily activities.

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