Pregnant women and small children should not eat instant noodles

Nowadays more and more people who entrust the affairs of his stomach in a dish called 'noodle. " Each time shopping for the mothers do not forget to insert instant noodles in the list of needs, the children boarding always keep a few packs of instant noodles to prevent hunger in the night, the lovers of mountain sports also participated include instant noodles as the logistics required.

Naturally, if the preferred instant noodles, because in addition to practical, quick, delicious and cheap. But did you know that the instant noodles do not have enough nourishment, and even substance additivenya (additional) not good for women who were pregnant as well as toddlers.

Noodles, in Chinese society is a symbol of longevity because of the long type and variety of the author. There are instant noodles, dried noodles, wet noodles, boiled noodles, made from flour (wheat). There are also rice noodles, made from rice flour. Then the glass noodles, made from mung bean starch flour.

There also are made from a mixture of flour and rice flour, tapioca flour, potato flour or buckwheat flour. But the most popular course instat noodles, with a variety of brand and image of taste, in both polyethylene and polystyrene plastic packaging (stirofoam), in the form of cup or bowl.

Mie instat actual shape is very long, but while processing it folded, fried and dried in a hot oven. Frying is what makes the noodles contain fat. The main raw material of instant noodles are wheat flour, however, during the manufacturing process, also used vegetable oil, salt, sodium polyphosphate (emulsifiers, stabilizer and thickener), sodium carbonate and potassium carbonate (both acidity regulator), tartrazine (yellow coloring).

Sometimes mixed with guar gum sodium polyphosphate. Other ingredients such as caramel, hydrolyzed vegetable protein, ribotide, iron and malic acid whose function is unclear. In addition to vegetable oils, there is also a food additive, namely that the chemicals added to food processing, with the aim that these foods have certain qualities.

Seasonings noodles, for example salt, sugar, red chilies, garlic, onion, tomato sauce, soy sauce, MSG (MSG) and taste ingredients (chicken flavor, flavor of shrimp, beef flavor) is also much use of additives. Not to mention stirofoam in the noodle cup, which is suspected to cause cancer.

Although health risks from additives not directly visible, but by Arlene Eisenberg, in the book What to Eat When You're Expecting, pregnant women should avoid foods that contain lots of additives. For toddlers, the materials that actually do not need this body of work can also slow down the digestive organs.

In addition, the main content of the noodles are carbohydrates. Then there was flour protein (gluten), and fat, both of mienya alone or vegetable oil in a sachet. When viewed nutritional composition, noodles are high in calories, but poor nutrients such as essential vitamins, minerals and fiber.

If you want a complete nutritious, it should be added vegetables such as cabbage, mustard greens, tomatoes, broccoli, carrots, or bean sprouts, add meatballs, shrimp, egg, sausage or corned beef. These materials are to stay put when we boil the noodles .. easy right? And keep in mind, should avoid the consumption of instant noodles every day.

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