Petting can make women pregnant.

Petting is an effort to stimulate one's partner without any penetration of the penis into the vagina. With this stimulation can occur the same reaction as the reaction times of normal sexual relations, such as vaginal lubrication in women occurs, contraction of the reproductive organs to the muscles supporting until the occurrence of orgasm. During orgasm the reproductive organs of blood flowed far more than usual and also occur much faster rhythmic contractions. Usually not accompanied by pain as you feel.

The pain may be caused due to the disturbance in the area of ​​reproductive organs, especially the pain is also felt at the time of menstruation. These disorders can be caused by various causes such as infections, lumps or masses such as cysts, myomas, and others. To find out the cause must be made direct examination by the doctor.

Petting itself was not directly related to the menstrual pain. But at this petting happen exposure on reproductive organs with a finger or other things that can not be ascertained cleanliness, so the exposure is very easy to be a source of infection of the reproductive organs and urinary tract (urethra). With the infection is very likely occurrence of pain during the next petting and also during menstruation.

Pregnancy can occur during the meeting between the egg with sperm. Pregnancy may occur depending on the extent to which Petting done. If they happen friction with the labia and penis penis has begun to issue a clear liquid (which already contains small amounts of sperm), then the pregnancy is very possible. For that you should consult a gynecologist or family doctor to find out the cause of the pain and be careful when doing any kind of sexual activity with a partner.

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