Plants pain during menstruation

Pain during menstruation is very often completely disrupt the ladies. Stomach felt in knead like cramps. If at the time the pain started to come, then it would be very annoying at all at a concentration of our work. To overcome this problem is actually very easy.
Let us examine what plants could ease the pain during menstruation.

1. Cinnamon
Plant this one has a benefit to relieve some pain one of them is painful menstruation. Plant herbs that have a sweet aroma contains sinemik acid.
How to use: Mix cinnamon spice that had been prepared earlier by the warm water or tea and then drink.
2. Soybean
Plant beans on this one contains phytoestrogens that many benefits. The content contained soya beans may help balance the hormones in our body during menstruation.
How to use: Prepare as much as one handfuls of soy beans and then boil with water that has been given adequate salt for five minutes, then eat soy stew earlier results. In addition, you can consume soy milk beverage from another.
3. Cloves
Mix ingredients such as dried flowers cloves, coriander, turmeric may help relieve pain during menstruation.
How to use: Mash the three ingredients until smooth, then seduhlah with hot water, do not forget to filter the waste, then drink.

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One Response to “Health And Beauty For Women”

  • I had a tubal July 2020 and have not felt the same since. I have horrible PMS for the entire week prior to my period, my cramping and bleeding is off the chart, migraines three times a week, hot flashes are starting. My doctor suggested getting an IUD...That was even worse DON'T DO IT!!! I have gained so much weight I weigh more than I was when I was pregnant last year. So I have been in search of weight loss and I did crossfit for 90 days with no results. Then a friend of mine introduced me to Dr Itua herbal center product and I was resistant at first but thought what the hell I will try it for 30 days. In 3 weeks time I have lost 8 pounds but the best part is some of my symptoms have gone away or are far less noticeable. I started my period three days ago and on day two I realized NO CRAMPING at all!!! Then I realized that the pms was not nearly as bad as it had been...There was no dull achy pain, no lower back pain, no deep depression, less tired. I just wanted to share this because I stumbled upon what seems to be a miracle. I will keep you posted as the months go on. I am so grateful and hope that everyone suffering can get the same relief I have found. Please email Dr Itua Herbal Center On for more herbal remedy also he can cure Hiv/Aids, Herpes, Cancer, Parkinson, MS, Diabetes, Hepatitis, Fibroid, he can help with a remedy to get pregnant as well. if you want more info just contact him to share your health problems.

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