Face Beauty Tips Clean, tight and mask Serial Blessing

Clean, tight and radiant thanks to the mask

No doubt ya, that among women, the face is an asset that really should be maintained. In order to appear attractive, the requirement should not really pretty lo ... but well maintained so as to invite click amazed. Of course there are ways or methods for facial care. One method is to mask treatment. Well, yes and hold any material that could be used for the treatment and how his usefulness? Consider the following explanation, yes, yuk!

1. USAGE TIPS masker

Masks ready to use commonly available and easily available in supermarkets or beauty shops. Both of the mask fruits, plants until eggs. How to use a very practical, as suggested Martha Tilaar Sariayu team like the following:

1. Clean face with cleansing milk according to gender.
2. Mix the powdered mask with water, stirring to form a paste.
3. Apply mask evenly to the face by using a spatula or flat spoon until fairly tebal.Jangan using a brush or your fingers to smear a mask. Allow 10-15 minutes.
4. Pick a way to peel (peel off) until clean, then rinse with warm water and cold or facial freshener according to skin type.
5. To be more comfortable, set the soft rhythmic songs while waiting for the mask kering.Hasilnya, not only faces, minds became more relaxed about it.
6. For maximum results, do it 2 times a week.

2. MUD MASKER Cleopatra

Cleopatra is the figure of a woman who becomes a source of inspiration of beauty that seemed endless. Unmitigated also that the material used as a mask when it is mud. After centuries-aband then, did European women use masks for facial care while preserving freshness. Materials used not only mud, but starting from the plants, even milk and eggs.

In dasranya mask useful as a moisturizer in addition to be able to open the pores of the skin and relaxes your facial muscles. The remains of cosmetics, dirt, and dust can be swept away by a mask that is used regularly. Usefulness, so skin looks clean, tight and always radiant.

3. SELF-MADE masker

Although the mask ready for use products already widely available, there's nothing wrong if we make their own masks. Why? Because besides the freshness of the material more secure, their needs can be matched with the condition of facial skin. After all, manufacturing is easy, staying blender wrote material that will be used mixed with a little almond oil, olive oil, honey or milk and are important .. must quickly be used.

In principle, the use of homemade mask is similar to using ready-made mask. Basically, almost all fruits and plants that contain nutrients can be utilized as a mask material. Among them are:

* Worrtel

masks made from a mixture of olive oil and carrot useful fatherly reduce wrinkles on the face.

* Avocado

Soft fleshy fruit is a nutritious fatty acids soften skin while keeping moisture and brighten the face. This mask is suitable for normal to dry skin care. Avocados also can be mixed with tomatoes to add properties.

* Banana and avocado

Bananas have a high moisture content, while the avocado has a content of vitamin D, A and amino acids. Paired both able to prevent dull skin, making it more taut, moist, fresh and radiant.

* Cucumber

Cucumber function as astringents (toners) naturally, so that is believed to help reduce wrinkles on the face. In order to maximize results, cucumber mask can also be mixed with skim milk.

* Aloe vera

When mixed with cold rice powder, aloe vera is believed to smooth the skin, cure acne and prevent vlek on the face.

* Pumpkin and papaya

Both these fruits contain vitamin C and fruit acid (aam fruit) which can accelerate the process of reproduction of dead skin cells. It also increases the growth of collagen that is the material that makes the skin become more fresh and toned.

* Carambola and pineapple

Star fruit and pineapple is rich in vitamin A and C, and minerals that can reduce fatigue on the skin. The benefits of this mask can make your skin look fresher.

* Eggs

Egg white mask is useful to solve the problems of oily skin.

* Honey

When used regularly, a mixture of honey and almond oil is very useful to deal with complaints about the neck that started to feel loose. Meanwhile, mix honey with lemon is useful for the treatment of oily skin.

* Milk

Milk and yogurt can be used as mask materials that are useful to help remove the stain on the face and simultaneously inhibits premature aging. Sour milk (sour cream) are also potent troubleshooting large pores. To moisturize the skin, add lemon juice into the yogurt before it is applied to the face.

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