

Depression is characterized by conditions of deep, prolonged depression, inner emptiness, deadness, irrational self-accusations, business fears, destruction feelings, thoughts of suicide, sleep disturbances, loss of appetite or in hidden form by certain physical symptoms. In general, between endogenous and neurotic depression distinction. For the emergence of endogenous depression is more a physical cause. The neurotic depression are unresolved psychological conflicts as a basis suspects.


Almost all human beings are occasionally depressed or "depressed". The cause of Mood lows
are diverse and have not always intrusive experiences such as the loss of work, a separation or bereavement. Even physical or mental surplus or debt or simply not enough light and sunshine in winter can trigger depression
The transition from such a temporary state of disorder to medical dysfunction depression is often blurred and difficult agreement. But in contrast to the emotional problem with which the life still is managed depression affecting the people in all aspects: The thinking, the feelings, the behavior changes, the physical health is waning a normal life is impossible. Professionals are two forms of depression:


Endogenous depression arise regardless of mental or physical illness,


reactive depression are a "reaction" to problems.

To the emergence of mood disorder, there are various theories. In general, is now managed by an interaction and mutual reinforcement in various sectors expected.

These include


Bio-genetic factors: In families with depressive members is clearly more to other disease cases, the tendency may, through the generations;


Physical factors: In the brains of depressed are too few of the messenger substances serotonin and distributed to the communication of nerve cells. There are also diseases, depression-how, as thyroid disorders or Parkinson's disease. One possible explanation is that women often fall ill, the hormone budget. Especially known depressive rules before menstruation or shortly after birth during the week-bed;


The environment: In approximately one third of sufferers of the disease is a life event incriminating progress. These include problems or congestion in the family and job - increasingly expectant triggers are burn-out or harassment in the workplace - financial hardships, loss / death of a loved one or new phases of life such as the pension;


Early experience: Psychological models see depression as a possible response to early learned behavior patterns. Particularly at risk are people who are not as active designers of their lives. This explains the higher proportion of depression among women, for example, still far more often nominated activity.
Many have already Depressive against the disease a pessimistic world view. They make themselves happy to failures, while they successes happiness or attributed to chance, and often interpret situations for them in the worst light. Many are also above average performance, strict with himself and particularly of responsibility.


Mental conflicts: The neurotic depression are unresolved psychological conflicts suspected as the cause.


Lack of sun and light: The less severe seasonal depression is a lack of sun and light caused or strengthened.

An increased risk for depression have


Single people and people without social support, as older people but also women who are in marriage double-and triple-exposed;


People who in other diseases such as mental illness alcohol, drug addiction, anxiety disorders or eating disorders suffer; vice versa depression favour the emergence of such diseases. That could be accompanied by an explanation for the lower number of diagnosed depression in men: You are often the bottle to cover their problems.


Some medicines or the withdrawal of which can trigger severe depression.
Depressive most people feel sad, powerless, passive and without value. You fall every action and every decision difficult - some may become difficult to speak, think or remember and lose interest in operations around them. Many are beginning to fear situations before, the earlier problems have been tackled. Frequently, even the future existence and fears.
The body reacts with sleep disorders, increased as back pain or headache, digestive problems, appetite and a desire for sex will be lost. Hopelessness, drive weakness and anxiety lead to the affected withdraw from their environment. It is often about death and dying under consideration - suicide becomes a topic.
Especially for endogenous depression patients in the morning often under dry mouth. The atmosphere is the worst in the morning and improved during the day. Many patients report that they are after nightfall better. In particularly serious cases it can also lead to depressive delusions.
On average, every sixth person suffers some point in the life of a depressive disorder, women twice as often as men. A real depression develop 19 percent of women and 12 percent of men. The WHO estimates that the disease by 2020 the most common reason for early retirement will be.
At the age increases the number of depression: 20 percent of people over 65 are depressed. Aceto is also that children can be depressed already.
About half of those affected will be within the first three months healthy again, it may be one quarter of one year. 70 percent of New diseased
later in life have further depression phases.
Depression generally reduce the immune response of the body.
Without treatment, high suicide risk: A large part of all suicides is to depressive disorders. About half in the course of making life a suicide attempt, up to 15 percent of depression patients put their lives prematurely to an end. While men go radical: When suicide four men for every woman (in old men
the rate is particularly high), suicide attempts, the ratio reversed.
All who also failed suicide attempts must be taken very seriously.
From a treatment lungs needy
depression is spoken, if the depressed mood for at least two weeks and lasted more of the following are true:


The resentment is stronger than usual, keeps most of the day and (almost) every day and is also due to external circumstances hardly affected.


The interest and pleasure in activities that would otherwise have fun, including sex, is lost.


It is difficult, "in the corridors"; those concerned feel weak and tired, often lacking even the energy to leave the bed.


Self-confidence and self-esteem are strongly attached.


Even basic lots allegations or inappropriate, strong feelings of guilt are overwhelming.


The thoughts circling repeatedly to death or suicide. Sometimes even the first steps in that direction.


Thinking, to concentrate, remember or make decisions is difficult.


Those affected are particularly nervous, restless, can not sit still, or they are little and slowed down.


It comes to sleeping disorders.


The appetite is lost or is on large so that the weight changed.


Depressive men express their depression, in contrast to more women in strong irritability and aggressiveness.

Mild depression
At least two of the first three symptoms, at least four symptoms to meet; costs necessary to do great effort.

Severe depression resources
At least two of the first three symptoms, a total of at least six symptoms to meet, they keep away from necessary to do.

Severe depression
The first three and at least five other symptoms to take, it is almost never or no longer possible to their daily lives.
Prevention and light cases
A wonderful remedy for depression is regular exercise outdoors. Here are two factors: the movement itself and the daylight. Sun is doing especially well, but also through the cloud cover is enough light during the day. Even ten minutes a day outdoors stroke in the autumn and winter the soul.
Balanced, active and happy people are also more difficult living conditions less easily thrown off track as people who tend to, very self-critical and constantly dissatisfied or believe helpless situations to be delivered.
Of course, fate strokes difficult to cope, and mourning is an important process, sufficient time must be given. But if life as a whole by a loss or a stroke of fate into question, it's time to seek help. Who's life often referred to as gray and empty feeling, often sad fate or a stroke not long comes out way may try to use a reverse psychological support to more joy to create.
Against endogenous depression is currently no known prevention.
Even when slight depression, it makes sense, the house doctor and a therapy to start: The earlier the treatment, specifically the better are the chances of cure.
In order to alleviate acute symptoms and relapses to avoid drugs are usually recommended. Once the mood has improved ( "maintenance therapy"), the treatment successes but better if parallel a psychotherapy is made. In a phase of acute depression psychotherapy alone has not been successful.

Not every treatment method is the same for all good and it may take a while until the correct method is found.
The cognitive behavior therapy in thinking and action patterns to reality and negative self-assessments to change and to increase the activity.
Family Therapeutic approaches deal with communication patterns in the family and the social environment.
Depth Psychological methods determine early psychological injuries and conflicts on the track.
Also talk therapy or non-verbal procedure in question.

Movement and light
Even if it depressed people usually difficult to adjust to: seasonal and depression can be a light exercise program wonders. Proven, a daily, fast "Healthy march" in daylight for at least one hour.
Another method, in the cold season in enough light to come is the photo or light therapy with a special, the sunlight to perceived
artificial light. The lights have no effect.

St. John's wort
St. John's wort in concentrated form is a proven effective natural medicines. "Of course," does not "harmless"! St. John's wort can be used with many drugs, such as cardiovascular products, hormonal contraception or epilepsy medicines to exchange effects. It should therefore always with great caution and in consultation with the doctor used.
Johanniskrauttee alone can not work against depression.

Dealing with depression health
Often noted family members or close friends the early symptoms of depression, such as those affected often cry in the morning or can not get up in
Hopelessness sink.
Dealing with this situation, this "new", "other" people can be a difficult and troublesome. It is important to realise that the parties concerned not simply "take along" in order to improve the situation but that it is a serious disease which is handled.
Here, the immediate environment positively to the ill effect: they look, the symptoms seriously, the parties concerned to animate activity - such as movement - and by supporting them in need for a therapy is pressing. Sometimes is sure instinct needed: to great pressure and impatience, the sick more in the withdrawal of pushing too much consideration makes them perhaps the urgency of treatment is not clear.
If you are overwhelmed with the situation feels, should not be afraid, advice and support at specialised facilities, doctors or self-help groups.

Medical treatment
Once the quality of life affected by depressive symptoms, is professional help with medication to recommend - it should not wait until thoughts of suicide occur.

A close cooperation with specialists in severe depression is particularly important to determine whether and what resources are in a particular case - in about half of the cases, they do not - to minimize side effects, and to carry out other means to a switch. Any change - the dose, the nature of the drug, the frequency or time of revenue - must act jointly with the doctor.
It takes several weeks before an effect is felt, is still no improvement should be noted, should be on a different drug to be changed.
The other hand, the money is then used when the mood has improved: A sudden withdrawal can - and often more serious - cause relapse. This is highly endogenous depression: The maintenance therapy should never be interrupted. Today, there are a number of drugs that are not addictive.
Relatively few side effects, the modern serotonin and serotonin-norepinephrine inhibitor resumption or selective MAO inhibitors. For non-response may still be useful, with the older products - or Tetra cyclical antidepressants - to begin.
In the case of recurring disease stages or at high risk of suicide is sometimes prescribed lithium or Lithium requires periodic monitoring of lithium levels in the blood, so there is no poisoning can occur, the dates should be strictly adhered to.
Other resources are rarely used valproic acid, Oxacarbamazepin and lamotrigine.
Who in addition to suffering from delusions, a combination of antidepressants with a Neuroleptikum try.
For persistent insomnia and anxiety attacks, the therapy by anxiety substances (Anxiolytika) and sedatives (benzodiazepines) may be added. You should because of the high risk of only a few weeks can be used.

Complementary measures
Light therapy obtained seasonal diseases good effects.
In very severe depression, for which no medication has helped, an electroconvulsive tried and if successful regularly. It is under general anesthesia and muscle relaxing means to combat pain. As previously temporary memory disorders often were, is now mostly only with a
Electrode working memory performance was less affected.

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