Facial Glow

Glowing Skin
Pumpkin Slice
Egg Yolk
Take egg yolk, milk and slice of pumpkin in a bowl and mix thoroughly until it appears creamy. Apply to face and left for about 30 minutes. Wash face with lukewarm water.
Whiter Skin
Coconut Milk
Pineapple Juice
How To Apply?
Mix coconut milk and pineapple juice mix well and apply by using cotton balls. Leave the mixture for 20 to 25 minutes to dry and allow the extract to absorb on the skin. wash your face with normal water and pat dry.

Cucumber Facial
Lemon Juice
Witch Hazal (you will get in any drug store)
Egg White
Peel one cucumber and blend it with blender or a food processor. Put the cucumber pulp into a strainer and force it through, the liquid that comes out in a bowl, now add that cucumber liquid with lemon juice and witch hazel  Mix it well and add the beaten egg white gently. Now apply on your face and leave it for 20 to 25 minutes to dry, then rinse off with normal water.

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