Do Vitamins Help Fighting ACNE?

With so many Americans do not follow a healthy diet, it is not surprising that many of us do not receive the correct amount of vitamins and minerals we need. May he also explain why acne, which struck adolescents and adults for centuries, appears to be increasingly important. In fact, there are vitamins that can help fight and prevent acne, and the best way to get them to eat foods rich in vitamins. In this article we take a look at some of the best vitamins, you must look in your diet to help fight acne.

Vitamin A, also known as beta-Carotin or retinol, is very important for your skin, because when there is a deficiency, the skin tends to look dry and rough. It should also consume vitamin A with vitamin E, vitamin A as needed fat that is found in vitamin E in order of the body to digest well.

Vitamin C, long known for its help in the fight against colds, is an antioxidant. Most forms of vitamin C are not absorbed through the skin, but can be found in a wide variety of foods, including citrus.

Vitamin D comes to us through the sunlight. While too much sun exposure is bad for your skin, there are certainly advantages to be it in small doses.

Although vitamin E is generally considered useful healing, it may also be useful in the fight against acne, thanks to its antioxidant properties. Studies suggest that it should be taken in small doses.

Niacin helps open blood vessels, helping the smooth flow below the skin. Unlike the other vitamins mentioned, niacin can be effective as a mask directly on the skin.

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