Reflex Therapy: Full pressure relax

Reflex Therapy:
Full pressure relax
A targeted massage between toe and heel, Spann and sole can alleviate complaints
Foot reflexology

Monika B. Wies bathe suffered from constantly under school. Therefore, the doctor rubbed her physiotherapy applications. "How is that for?" Asked the 53-year-old office clerk. Finally, did their every touch in the area very hurt. The physician knew Council and gave her the address of a foot reflexology hera peutin.

In fact devoted to the physiotherapist Sigrid Klotzbach not the same Monika B's shoulders, but, after a detailed discussion of their patient's feet in their hands.
"A patient with shoulder problems no direct movement or touch, I first foot reflexology treatments to the acute something to alleviate pain," says Klotzbach doing so. In 70 to 80 percent of such cases, it has a success and can then proceed with the actual treatment.

Millennia old therapy

In many ancient cultures recorded on stone tablets about the Maya and in records of traditional Chinese medicine, found the first traces of this therapy. The American physician Dr. William Fitzgerald (1872 to 1942), the method at the beginning of the 20th Century in the western world. Today, especially the foot reflexology treatments, such as the nurse and masseuse Hanne Marquardt developed 50 years ago, supporters in physiotherapy and natural healing practices and clinics.

In this method, users will assume that our entire body with all its internal organs, tissues and regulatory processes reflected in our feet. For example, the toes to the head area assigned spaces between the toes correspond to the upper Lymphwegen of the head and neck. About the big toe bales therapists encourage the trachea and oesophagus. And where the little toe in the mid-foot bones transferred, there is contact with the shoulder area.

Different attacks

From heel to toe, from sole to Spann assessed and handled the foot reflexology therapists also with different grips and more or less strong pressure to the individual body regions. "In an initial investigation, we first determine how the tissue and skin at the foot feel, and the patient tells us when and where the pressure he experienced as painful," says therapist Klotz bach.

Following a detailed "walk diagnosis of" trying to professionals in the subsequent therapy hours, the prominent institutions and sectors within the assigned areas on foot to stimulate or calm. Frequently This way you can disturbances favors able influence, sometimes even disappear. Above all, doctors want the self-healing powers of their patients. Physiotherapists as Sigrid Klotzbach, however, also pointed out that this work at the foot often a useful and complementary measure, but no diagnosis from a doctor.

The application range of supportive therapy is wide. This allows them to problems during the menstrual help, such as painful or heavy bleeding and relieve headaches. About feet trying to therapists, the endocrine system disorders as well cycle to fix. "Foot reflexology treatments can also facilitate the birth," notes Klotzbach. Not least because she spasmolytic and relaxing. Digestive complaints and mild disorders of the urinary bladder emptying are other areas where this method has proved its worth.

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