With one stroke, everything is different

With one stroke, everything is different

Risk factors for stroke: alcohol, smoking, excess weight The Stroke is the third leading cause of death. Alcohol, smoking and greasy food in excess favour the disease. The proper recognition of symptoms can be decisive.

That Helfried S. chosen this morning had a massage appointment, was his luck: While the 65-year-old from Ginsheim-Gustavsburg waited, he suddenly felt his left arm and leg no longer. He was very bad and dizzy and his left side was completely deaf. At rising almost umgefallen he would be and could only call for help. The physiotherapist thought immediately to a stroke and called the ambulances and rescue vehicles, so that Helfried p. 20 minutes later already on the way to the clinic. The ambulances had by telephone the hospital informed, a neurologist team waited already on the 67-year-olds.

Upon arrival in the clinic was his left side still completely paralyzed - a life-threatening situation! Now had everything very quickly. Even during the X-ray examination of the head doctors decide on the further therapy. Because the stroke has been confirmed, a small blood clot has a closed artery in the brain. A part of the brain was no longer flow, which had caused the paralysis. With a special drug, the clot dissolved. Helfried S. was on the Stroke Unit brought a special station for stroke patients. His heart rate and blood pressure were continuously monitored, the drug (lysis) drips slowly into his vein. He was afraid his arm and his leg never be able to move, but after two hours returned slowly the feeling back and a few hours later, he was able to actually move everything back to normal and was overjoyed.

He has really lucky, so fast in the clinic came to be. It remained only a small movement disorder in her left hand. Intensive researched the doctors to the cause of the stroke, including an ultrasound examination of the neck vessels. The right main artery to the brain showed a significant calcification of the vessel einengte. A small clot occurred since the closure and as a result of the stroke. As could happen at any time, has p. Helfried a few days later undergo an operation in which a vessel to fix the artery has been extended. Also which he has recovered well and must now return home.

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