Signal failure and cancer

Signal failure and cancer

The Special Research / Transregio of Ras-dependent pathways in human cancer "(SFB TR-17) can be continued. The German Research Community for the next four years eight million euros granted. The Marburger from the cell biologist Professor Dr. Martin Eilers coordinated SFB-TR explores the signal transmission in cells and their role in cancer.

On reaching the location of special research area are scientists from Marburg and Würz burg. They examine how key features of tumor cells, for example, uncontrolled cell proliferation, programmed cell death or Chemoresistenz from the interaction of disturbed signaling pathways and the genetic status of the cells emerge.

The Collaborative Research Centre was set up in 2004 and since then a series folgenreicher results. For example, the Marburger working group led by Professor Dr. Andreas Neubauer show why some patients on the standard chemotherapy Cytarabine appeal and others do not, the drug is for acute myeloid leukemia. The results of the scientists may be used to improve treatment protocols. The research group of Professor Dr. Rolf Mueller has significant new findings on the blood supply of tumors proved possible, there are new approaches to therapy, the blood supply of tumors server.

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