Taking Care of Oily Skin

Oily skin is characterized by skin that is shiny and oily to the touch and has large pores. Oily skin is caused by glands that overproduction of secretions from the skin. This can lead to both black and white heads development on the skin. The good news is that oily skin is generally strong and durable and is less prone to wrinkles and expression lines develop. But just because you have oily skin does not mean you're doomed to have acne forever. It simply means following a healthy routine skin care that can help keep these secretions additional minimum. Here are some tips on how to care for oily skin.

Basic care of oily skin begins to wash his face at least twice a day, and three times if possible. Although oily skin May be durable, many ingredients of the strongest products in skin care are not necessary and a cleaner can be used. If you are constantly fighting against acne, May you want to try a cleanser that has salicylic acid. Cleaning the face on a regular basis is more important than using a cleaner for oily skin. Still, soap and products with alcohol should be avoided. Soap can irritate the skin, while alcohol can dry skin.

A very important point for those who suffer from oily skin is to always remember to take your makeup before going to bed. Leave on the composition keeps skin to breathe properly and blocking the pores can lead to the development of buttons or black heads. No matter how late you go home or how tired you are, always make it a habit to remove your makeup at the end of the day.

If you normally use a toner, you can continue as long as it does not contain alcohol. The jury is to determine whether the toner can help your skin or not, as many cleaners modern ingredients that refresh the skin, but it can help eliminate the residue of cleansing and it feels good on the skin.

Moisturizing is still important, even if you are the fight against oily skin. Try using a moisturizer designed for your skin type, which moisturizes your skin after other products have done their work to further reduce secretions.

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